Thursday 17 February 2011


You can run things through your mind and jog your memory.
Your heart can be racing and there can be things on the tip of your tongue that you can’t put your finger on.
By the same token, a heavy heart weighs no more than it normally does.
Anymore than someone who is tearful is full of tears.
However, sweat pours from pores and fungal foot infections can form spores between the toes.
Chiropody costs money and you can’t foot the bill if you’ve blown your money,
But you should regularly blow your nose, especially when it’s runny.
Butterflies in your stomach would first have to be swallowed,
With great difficulty for those with frogs in their throats, which—
Don’t forget—already have apples in them.
Armpits are no such thing, and while broken arms can be supported by a sling,
For a broken heart, there is no such thing.
Despite the expression to the contrary, palms do not provide eating surfaces for others.
Ambiguously, shaking hands is both a type of formal greeting and a symptom of various neurological conditions.
When you vent your spleen it doesn’t mean it’s ventilated,
Lungs though can be assisted by a ventilator,
While getting things off your chest does not refer to mastectomies or, usually, even the removal of clothes.
Going out on a limb would make most pedestrians hopping mad, etc, etc, ad infinitum…

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