Sunday 9 November 2008


The time: NOW.
The place: UK.
Celebrity cretins provide us with a culture,
Replacing the roles of saints in the church,
As on towards the ‘American dream’ we lurch,
While American franchises like McDonalds make the UK feel like an occupied country,
Our media constantly transmits US propaganda with truly staggering effrontery.
When US paranoia dictates global politics, there really is no hope,
If they end up ruling the world, be honest—how will we cope?
The American psyche’s a monstrous brat,
Who doesn’t like this and won’t tolerate that,
The US materialist ethos is shallow crap,
It’s a two-faced hypocrite; the Yankee monster needs a slap.
Too big for their boots, the Yanks have no roots,
What they lack in terms of history,
They compensate for with fabricated mystery.
The world should refuse to trade,
With this capitalist upstart—always on parade,
Choosing regimes to overthrow and countries to invade,
Before their vulgar trophies are displayed.
You wouldn’t think democracy originated with ancient Greeks,
To hear the typical obese Yankee speak,
Or listen to redneck Yankee geeks.
Why don’t they just live in their perverse Disneyland and leave us all alone?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Julian for your poem. Although I agree with much of what you say, I don't quite see America in such a negative light. I have lived and worked in America and have close family who are Americans. My sister married a GI, and I think that the outcome of the war might have been different if the Americans had not been our allies. The real Americans are quite different from the images portrayed in the press and the media. I found them to be kindly, fun and self deprecating. Of course I was furious with Tony Blair for cuddling up to that idiot George Bush and taking us into a totally inexcusable war. I was, however, fortunate in meeting some US politicians when I went on the women's peace mission to Washington last October. Although I don't think, for a minute, that we changed anything, they were ready to listen to us and respond to our awkward questions. I'm glad that we are friends with the Americans and I think we may be able to have a positive effect on their policies. I also think our country would be very boring if we didn't import ideas and goods from other countries. Viva la difference!
    Love, Magda
