Tuesday 22 April 2008


Part writer, part station—he’s Jack London Victoria!
Will the woman who loves him save him from going off the rails?
Before the woman HE loves destroys him?
Are his literary aspirations ideas above his station?
Or will his books become a platform for future writers?
Crowds of people have railed at him—still he believes in his work;
Would publish privately if he had the capital.
With every train of thought he sees the light at the end of the tunnel.
He writes fast, keeping with the flow, hating a stationary plot.
Moving with the times—he’s no sleeper when it’s time for a literary departure.
Dedicated to his craft he writes in longhand when the carriage on his typewriter breaks down.
He thinks his competitors have run out of steam.
He was chuffed when James Joyce said (of his short stories) “Diesel do!”
He writes such a stack it’s hard to keep track,
Surely, soon, he’ll meet a publisher who’ll say: “This book is just the ticket!”
Jack London Victoria—his brain makes quick connections but will he leave his readers stranded if the characters in his stories ALL CHANGE?
Despite delays and awkward passages, sticking to his main line optimistically he has already attracted an Underground following.
The action never grinds to a halt when he pulls out all the stops to produce his best,
In accordance with his readers’ express wishes,
Looking for signals of the arrival of success—Jack London Victoria—he’s no old buffer!

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