Wednesday 20 February 2008


The law is an ass!
It’s now an arrestable offence to visit a friend’s house if you fart on arrival—
It’s called ‘breaking wind and entering.’
The law is a blunt instrument,
But you have to be sharp to play with it.
‘Breaking the law’ would suggest that it’s fragile,
Exploiting ‘legal loopholes,’ you have to be mentally agile.
Law and order are electoral banners,
Dictating what acceptable behaviour, right down to manners is.
A thorough review of the law requires diligent scanners.
Naturally, society is based on rules, but why are they made by fools?
To ‘follow the letter of the law’ is frequently advocated, but seldom done.
A man receiving an entire judicial system through the post one day,
Knows these things are ‘sent to try us,’ or so they say.

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