Friday 9 April 2010


Noah’s ark was worse than his height, Yet when he was gruff he gave folk a fright.
Noah was ignorant of proverbs,
In particular, the one that ascribes greater value to a bird in the hand compared with two in a bush.
During the flood, he demonstrated his ignorance by wasting doves.
Noah’s role at this time is one of the most ludicrous and implausible things described in the Old Testament,
Which is crammed with absurdities and extremes.
Chosen by a voice in his head,
Noah took to an extreme the notion of working in his garden shed.
Eventually emerging to launch a vast marine menagerie,
He managed to keep afloat,
Although at his best his chances were extremely remote.
On the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling,
Michelangelo portrayed Noah getting drunk,
Which seems a fitting way to remember this stupid biblical lunk.

1 comment:

  1. I expect you'll get a flood of comments on this...
